Yoga for Life-Work Balance (yes, ‘life’ first!) every Tuesdays, 7 to 8.30 pm at Wellness Workshop HQ, Radium Hot Springs, is a special class. It is mainly created for busy working people helping them fine-tuning a healthy mindset, stretching, bending and relaxing the stiff muscles and releasing those nasty neck-shoulder-low back pains.

My basic approach, teaching yoga in all my classes, is to guide the student yogis to BE in Yoga every moment rather than trying to fit yoga in their already busy schedule, and adding to the frustrations if unable to find time to DO yoga. Practicing to BE in yoga every moment, is a remedial experience that will help you to remain in a beautifully balanced state of existence, both physically and psychologically. And as you continue practicing, you will experience joy each moment, raising your resonance to higher frequency levels, attracting events in your life that will continue to keep you in that higher happier state of being.

This IS the purest form of yoga, practicing all the eight limbs of yoga, to BE in yoga every moment. Working on just the one physical postural aspect of yoga is generally pursued in the western worlds as a physical fitness routine only. But it is inadequate practice with minimal benefits. Understanding and practicing holistic yoga is being IN yoga each moment; it is practicing yoga-on-the-go. Remedying the issue, pain, frustration at the scene, as it is happening, in that moment, so you recoup from the pain and anguish instantly or sooner (with the right mindset and practice) rather than suffering the pain day in and day out for it to become chronic.

Please connect with me for any questions and to register for the Yoga for Life-Work Balance workshop.

Aum Shantee

Let Peace Prevail